Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Well...incase you thought I disappeared...I've just been busy:)

Here is the update...
  Garden News.. Well it started to look bad after the heat of August and September really stressed alot of plants out.  I ended up pulling up those things that really didn't fair that well...watermelon, cantelope, summer squash, etc... and started planning for the fall and winter garden season.  Yes... I may be nuts but I planted over 50 cabbage seedlings, several beds of various lettuce and spinach mix and a handful of broccoli and cauliflower plants.  I still have tomatoes like crazy...trying to take over every available space. I also nursed back a few bean vines that are really producing now and planted some peas.  We will see how things will fair as the cooler weather starts to move our way.  For now we are still very busy in the garden:) I am beginning to see my spring and summer chores turn into a year round task.  I have found it very rewarding...it is a blessing to be able to provide fresh food for the family from only a few feet from the house. 
  Horse News... There is good news and bad news.... the bad news first. About a month ago we lost our yearling stud colt.  He was out in a paddock with his sire and full brother Tank.   Our cousins found him dropped dead in the middle of the field.  When I came to him it was evident he had been gone for many hours.  It was very sad.  Such a beautiful colt...we had hoped to do sooo much with.  So many scriptures fled through my mind.  The mind of man plans his way but the Lord directs his paths... there is a time and place for everything...the Lord gives and takes...etc.  We buried him next to Sissy under the oak over looking the beautiful valley in the back of the property.  Aaron said it was one of the sadder things he has had to do.  But we realize how we have faired really well over the years and haven't lost many horses,   by Gods grace. The good news, Camile is doing really well.  Aaron has really helped me to realize some of the finer conscepts in horsemanship and I think she is showing the results of that.  She has been a joy to ride.  I hope that she will be well recieved at the Triangle sale in January. She really is a nice filly.  On another note... Moomoo has really shown an interest in horses.  She would ride Bella rain or shine, day or night I think if we let her.  She likes to brush and bath them and feed them horse cookies ... "with hand flat" she would instruct you. We have gone on several trail rides together ..."up to gwampaws house" and she really like to "chop" (trot).  She is very cute:)
  Kiddo News...  The babies are all growing up.  Bowen started school and has really enjoyed it. He calls it all Math, but he does like all the subjuects.  Baby Sara has proved to be just as much an outdoor babies as her siblings.  She is commonly covered in dirt and now that she is on her feet she runs from place to place.  She really is an all terrain baby.  Moomoo has been really telling stories these days...she will tell you all about her day and yesterday and "Marrow"... the high topic is usually horses "Bella and Mile" specifically.
 Thats it for now...more later, Lord Willing

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