Monday, May 31, 2010

The Garden Update

As the days eek by... with watering prunning and watching the garden is begining to put out a few tastey veggies and fruits.  Here is the photo tour of what the garden looks like now...but these will be old before you know it.  It is amazing what God does when you water a little and the sun shines down. 

This is the entrance to the garden...sunflowers in the front (supposed to be the mini variety), two cherry tomatoes and some petunias.

These are the Sugar Snap Peas and the Snow Peas.  We have had two pretty good pickings, about 40 peas each.  The kiddos like eating them fresh picked and I used them in stir fry. 

These are the green beans... you can't see from the photo, but they have extended beyond their five foot trellis by 12

These are a mixed variety of peppers and our eggplants.  The eggplants have been assulted by bugs recently... I hope they pull through.

This is the squash and zuccini bed number 1.... they are full of blooms and little veggies.

Squash and zuccini patch #2,

This is the Acorn Squash mound and a few little Hubbard squash.  Also mixed marigolds in rows.  The Acorn's need to be trellised badly as every day the grow more and more...reaching thier feelers out for support.

The next few photos are of our latest expansion. The melon patch!
This is a row of small climbing watermellon with alternating Nestersium.

This is the infant cantelope plants, encircled with pest detering flowers. 

These are more juvenille beds, mixed with green and yellow wax beans, zuccini, geraniums, nestersiums, and petunias. 

This is the sweet potatoe patch...also in need of a trellis.
And finally the fruit trees, almost lost in the sea of green.  We still have a few little fruits growing bigger and bigger.  We harvested 6 total Montmorency Cherries.

In an other garden news we have ripped out our broccoli, and lettuce, and are working on filling their vaccancies with more peppers and tomatoes.  They were .25 - .50 cents each so I figured it was worth it.   We also harvested, two blue berries.  Enough to get a taste:)

Lastly, the flowers are also about to really show there stuff. 

This is my favorite bed, petunias spilling out...marigolds and zinnia in the middle and sunflowers as a backdrop.  Should be quite nice in full bloom:)

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