Sunday, January 3, 2010

Farm Babies Blurp

This is the section of the blog that will be dedicated to the kiddos. I am very thankful to be able to raise our children in this place. With all the family, friends and animals around it is a perfect environment for learning and playing.

Bowen Charles is my oldest and only son (so far:)) He normally wants to be outside and work with his dad. He digs, explores, builds and and takes his little sister all around. He is very helpful with many things inside and outside. He rides the tractor with dad to unload and feed round hay bales, he stacks wood, brings in fire wood and helps start the fires. In all that he still finds time to draw and sew with mom. He has recently started a John Deere tractor/ wild lizard pillow for his little friend next door. He is a very special boy, but I could be bias:)

Mini Moo, or MOO MOO or Moosh or Moosha or Smoosh or officially Dani Marie is currently the middle child. She is defiantly unique, full of life and quite entertaining. She is a great counterpart for her brother. She is a tough little cookie and wrastles and wrangles and keeps up right along with her big brother. She has really grown up fast. She is really a momma's girl, and enjoys helping me with me with the baby chores. Taking care of dirty diapers, kissing her as much as possible, and "Yo Yo" her (translation; Hold her). She doesn't say much but more and more she is adding to her vocabulary. She hardly needs words to communicate, because she is soooo expressionative. She is truly a crack up.

Sara Jeanette is by far the happiest baby I have ever encountered. It takes a lot to get her fussy. She is just a big, happy baby and a joy to have around. She hasn't really developed a nickname...except" Baby Sara".... but Bowen says when she is older we will drop the baby and just call her Sara. So, not much of a nickname... yet.

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